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Our commitment is to source for the finest products with fairest price, reliable suppliers and sellers, offer the best deals, provide the best strategic partnership opportunities for our friends and followers!

Our Story

Since 2014 we started our business by sourcing and supplying best selling products to the retailers and online sellers.


In 2015 we relocate ourselves in Singapore, and started reselling. We invite partners to sell their products on our websites and our preferred platforms.


In 2016 we started a eco-friendly delivery business, from then we started shipping products.


We are excited to be able to do more. In 2017, we hope to bring our business to social enterprising, helping the needy ones by providing jobs and impart our skills and knowledge so that their families can have a peace of mind and they can be competent to the workforce. 

Our Mission

Every dollar you spent, 10% of it's profit will go to humanity fund. The use of the fund will be used to give funding for the social enterprising cause.

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